Monday, July 21, 2014

A Good First Day

We are very happy to report that things went very smoothly today. The boys gathered at 0800 for a placement test where their levels were checked. then they were divided into a number of different classes for their morning English lessons. Everybody enjoyed their lessons and the school is full of many different nationality students. The boys take a break at 1030 to have a snack, then they have another lesson until 1200 when they eat their lunch. In the afternoon they divided into three groups and went sightseeing. Two groups went into Dublin city centre and one group went on a walking tour of Malahide. Everyone enjoyed themselves and by the evening were tired. They are now back at home with their host families. The group have made a very good first impression on everyone here. They are smiling a lot and are making a good effort to mix with the other students. A GREAT START!


  1. Please tell guys to call their family in Japan just once, if possible.

  2. I mentioned that it would be nice for them to do this, Watanabe San. Fingers crossed!

    1. Thank you for your advice! But there is no phone call from Yuma so far. :'-(
